I Took My Dad For a Flight.

Описание к видео I Took My Dad For a Flight.

After originally planning to take my Dad for a surprise flight on his 70th birthday, and having to abandon the journey due to poor weather, it was a few years before I had the opportunity to attempt the journey, once again.
This time, the weather was a little kinder to me and I made it all the way to Halfpenny Green where I met my Dad and went for a quick spin around Bridgenorth.

I think he enjoyed himself.

The comment about not landing the first time was because Dad was at the airfield before I arrived and saw me do a go-around.
On final to the runway, I was waiting for Halfpenny Green to tell me, "land at your discretion" which never came, so I went-around.

The comment about not being hit in the head by the rotors came from my passenger-safety briefing where I instruct that in an emergency evacuation, to disconnect the helmet cord but keep the helmet on and exit to the front of the aircraft, staying low because I am not going to be trying to stop the rotors during an evacuation and being hit in the head, even whilst wearing a helmet, is going to be a bad day.


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