B737NG vs. A320neo/ceo 外部ライト比較 Exterior Lights comparison

Описание к видео B737NG vs. A320neo/ceo 外部ライト比較 Exterior Lights comparison

B737 (Next Gen)とA320(A321含む)の外部ライトを比較しました。

Exterior Lights comparison between B737 (Next Gen) and A320 (including A321).

Navigation Light - 常に点灯、飛行機の位置や向きを示す always turned on, indicating the position and direction of the aircraft

Logo Light - 夜間のみ点灯、垂直尾翼のロゴを照らす turned on during night, illuminating the company logo on the vertical stabilizer

Beacon Light - エンジン運転中もしくは飛行機が移動中に点灯 turned on when the engines are running or the aircraft is moving

Strobe Light - 離陸から着陸まで点灯 turned on before takeoff, turned off after landing

Taxi Light - 地上走行、離陸、着陸中に点灯 turned on during taxiing, takeoff and landing

Runway Turnoff Light - 地上走行、離陸、着陸中に点灯、滑走路縁を照らす turned on during taxiing, takeoff and landing, illuminating the edge of the runway

Landing Light - 離陸、着陸時に点灯、着陸姿勢で滑走路を照らす turned on during taxiing, takeoff and landing, illuminating the runway while landing attitude

Wing Light - 主翼前縁を照らす illuminating the leading edge of the wing

 #B737 #A320


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