【初音ミクAppend Vivid】 PONPONPON 【Hatsune Miku】

Описание к видео 【初音ミクAppend Vivid】 PONPONPON 【Hatsune Miku】

Man this is such a fun song :D

Not just to listen to, but to edit as well. I was kinda sad when the vsq ended D:

I just wish I was better at mixing/mastering though. I would of liked to make the voice a bit more synth-sounding... Or just overall better sounding xD

Oh well. Anyway...
Original song by... Kyary Pamyu Pamyu I think is her name? xD You can find the original here:    • きゃりーぱみゅぱみゅ - PONPONPON , Kyary Pamyu ...  
.vsq by Sango312. You can check out her channel here :3
   / sango312  
:EDIT: Uploaded .mp3 here because AELETROX requested it o3o
:EDIT (again): You can the the picture here:

50,000 views?! How?!?!

I never expected this to get near as many views as it has... So um, thank you ;n;


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