Marten Bird, Mark Levinson ML332, Musical Innovation MI23.5A, PSAudio DSD, PP15, Fidelium, Jorma

Описание к видео Marten Bird, Mark Levinson ML332, Musical Innovation MI23.5A, PSAudio DSD, PP15, Fidelium, Jorma

The Marten Design Bird (1st vers.), with Fidelium speaker cables (and jumpers) from Silversmith, to the Mark Levinson ML332 amp, with PS Audio power cables AC12, connected to the Musical Innovation MI23.5A new linestage with Jorma Unity XLRs. The linestage has a new upgraded power supply unit from MI with PS Audio AC5 power cable. The D/A converter is a PS Audio Direct Stream DAC, connected to the linestage with Jorma No.2 XLRs. The SACD transport is PS Audio Perfect Wave Digital Memory player connected with a I2S-cable to the DAC. Both PS Audio components are mated with PS Audio AC12 power cables. The PS Audio power regenerator is the Perfect Wave Power Plant 15, connected to a Furutech dedicated power outlet with a PS Audio AC12 cable. Music: Eduard Lalo’s cello concerto, 1st movm.


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