Bass Reflex Port Tuning: Which Woofer Is Better, The Dayton Designer Or The Dayton Classic?

Описание к видео Bass Reflex Port Tuning: Which Woofer Is Better, The Dayton Designer Or The Dayton Classic?

Really taking my time with this RCA STS-1230 project, a 12” 3 Way Ported Vintage Speaker from RadioShack, that I'm doing a DIY customization to make them sound better.

In this video, I'm modifying the ports to accommodate the Woofers, using recommendations from Parts Express and Speaker Box Lite , I'll be tuning the original enclosures to an FB of about 35 Hz give or take.

Watch as I put the Dayton Classic Woofer up against the Dayton Designer Series Woofer. Identical cabinets, identical ports, crossovers bypassed and the midrange and tweeter are disconnected, so it's nothing but bass in a box.


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