1991 Pontiac Grand Prix SE tour, start up, & exhaust

Описание к видео 1991 Pontiac Grand Prix SE tour, start up, & exhaust

Well the Grand Prix is road ready now. I paid $400 for it, and put a grand total of $68 in parts into it giving me a perfectly reliable, low mileage car for only $468. Granted it does need a bit more work but in the condition its in its ready to be put on the road. I cleaned up it quite a bit too, I washed it, degreased the motor (it was covered in power steering fluid from when the pump failed) and I scrubbed the carpets (they were NASTY from the previous owner).

Just to prevent further questions, this car IS replacing my 1993 Cavalier. The Cavalier was a great car to me, Ive had it for nearly 4 years and put almost 30,000 miles on it. Keep in mind I only paid $650 for it and havent put much work into it, I more than got my moneys worth out of that car. I'm selling it on to my sister who will probably drive it into the ground before junking it. I don't want to get rid of it but theres no point of having 2 daily drivers and that way when the day comes that the Cavalier rusts severely, I don't have to scramble for a new car.


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