Karachi's colonial-era buildings falling into disrepair

Описание к видео Karachi's colonial-era buildings falling into disrepair

LENGTH: 5:40

Karachi, Pakistan - November 20, 2015
1. Various of Shafquat House in downtown Karachi which has fallen into a state of disrepair due to years of neglect
2. SOUNDBITE: (English) Dr Noman Ahmed, Chairman, Department of Architecture and Planning, Nadirshaw Eduljee Dinshaw (NED) University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi
"A sizable number of these buildings are getting dilapidated. And in many cases, the residents themselves are not taking any kind of interest in their restoration. And there are multiple reasons for that. In many cases, the buildings that we have identified, they are actually existing in places where the land values have increased tremendously. And as a consequence, the owners and occupants are of the view that if these buildings are allowed to deteriorate and they completely get demolished, then maybe, there will be a time, when they will be able to get them removed and construct new high-rise, high-density structures, which will be more lucrative and rewarding for them."
3. Various of a high-rise under construction in vicinity of Frere Hall, another heritage site and historical landmark
4. Various of Frere Hall
5. Set up shot of Yasmeen Lari, Chair & CE, Heritage Foundation
6. SOUNDBITE (English) Yasmeen Lari, Chair and CE, Heritage Foundation
"So, I think, all the politicians have to be very mindful. And unless they are mindful, sometimes I feel, they are… either they make them into touristic attractions, so they destroy heritage from that point of view, because rather than keeping the authenticity and integrity of the structure, they start making them modern, or making them look new, which is, again, not the thing to be done. So, there is a lot of awareness that we have to bring about among our politicians, among the general public. And most of all, I feel, we have to empower people to tell them that look, you can also save your structure that is right down the road."
7. Pan left of downtown Karachi, with Empress Market, another colonial era heritage site
8. Various of clock-tower at Empress Market
9. Till down of façade of Empress Market
10. Various of graffiti and posters sprayed across the walls of Empress Market
11. Various of entrance to Empress Market, including plaque reading: (English) "Empress Market Built by the Karachi Municipality to celebrate the jubilee of her most gracious Majesty Queen Empress opened 1889"
12. Various of buying and selling going on inside Empress Market
13. SOUNDBITE: (English) Dr Niaz Abbasi, Secretary, Culture, Tourism and Antiquities Department, Government of Sindh
"Whichever is building in a dilapidated condition and it requires some urgent intervention, Government of Sindh is providing funds and we are doing the conservation work there. But certainly it requires a lot of funds."
14. Till down of interior of classroom of NED University of Engineering & Technology
15. Various of students inside classroom at university
16. Wide exterior of NED University, a heritage site
17. Various of St. Patrick's cathedral, a heritage site
18. Various of prayers being performed inside St. Patrick's cathedral
19. SOUNDBITE: (English) Dr Noman Ahmed, Chairman, Department of Architecture and Planning, Nadirshaw Eduljee Dinshaw (NED) University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi
20. Various of repair and reconstruction work taking place at another heritage building that is over a hundred years old

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