Seeking What You Don't Have The Endless Process Explained

Описание к видео Seeking What You Don't Have The Endless Process Explained

That reminds me this happened when we were in Trichy You know Trichy Trichy Lampally It's a medium-sized town in Tamil Nadu In a high school the teacher came and asked the students 8th or 9th standard children If God appears in front of you and gives you a boon what will you ask One boy said those days you know Maruthikar I want a Maruthikar Somebody said I want a bicycle Somebody said I want you know ten lakh rupees Like this they went on Then the teacher said you idiots What will you do with all these things Ask for intelligence Ask for knowledge ask for intelligence Why are you asking for all these things?" So one boy stood up and said everybody asks for what they don't have So Everybody is seeking what they don't have isn't it Now if you go by this When a human being goes by this process of asking for what he doesn't have then it's an endless process because What is it that you have What you have is so little If you go on asking for what you don't have you need a thousand years and still you will be nowhere If you start seeking the next thing that you don't have it's an endless process self-defeating process isn't it It seems to be taking you somewhere but it doesn't take you anywhere
Seeking the Path: The Key to Finding Purpos


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