Gala s The King's Singers

Описание к видео Gala s The King's Singers

Sestřih toho nejlepšího z Gala koncertu The King's Singers, který se konal 25. 2. 2017 v Rudolfinu. Tímto koncertem zahájil svou 85. sezonu Kühnův dětský sbor, největší a nejstarší dětský sbor v České republice.

A short video from The King's Singers gala that was held 25. 2. 2017 in Rudolfinum, Prague. This special event opened the 85th season of the Prague Philharmonic Children's Choir, the oldest and largest children's choir in the Czech Republic. Enjoy!

Patrick Dunachie, kontratenor | countertenor
Timothy Wayne-Wright, kontratenor | countertenor
Julian Gregory, tenor
Christopher Bruerton, baryton | baritone
Christopher Gabbitas, baryton | baritone
Jonathan Howard, bas | bass

Kühnův dětský sbor | Prague Philharmonic Children's Choir
Petr Louženský, sbormistr | choirmaster


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