Binge Eating Disorder Treatment at Eating Recovery Center

Описание к видео Binge Eating Disorder Treatment at Eating Recovery Center

“We have heard everything. We judge nothing. We want to know your story. We want to know your experience and when you feel comfortable, we're here to hear your story and make sure that we help you through the telling of your story.”

"Hi, I'm Dr. Julie Friedman I am a licensed clinical psychologist with a PhD in clinical psychology and I serve as the executive director of the Binge Eating Treatment and Recovery Program at Eating Recovery Centers.

The Binge Eating Treatment and Recovery Program, also known as the BETR Program, treats patients with dominant loss of control eating pathology. So patients who struggle with binge eating, night eating, feeling that they have compulsive overeating, grazing emotional or stress eating, and other forms of overeating behaviors.

Patients come in having so much shame and so much judgment about their behavior because they've been taught that their eating disorder is a function of their lack of willpower or their lack of discipline.

There's a highly neurobiological component to binge eating disorder in the sense that there are some dysfunctions or disruptions in the way that the brain communicates to the gut and then the way that gut communicates back to the brain. So things like hunger and fullness cues, things like delaying the decision to eat, those are very difficult for patients with binge eating disorder if they don't have skills to help them compensate for some of that.

Full recovery is absolutely possible and so our goal is to not only treat somebody's eating disorder but to increase and enhance the quality of their life."

If you or anyone you know is struggling with an eating disorder call (877) 789-5758 to speak confidentially with a Master’s-level clinician.


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