Hung Gar Kung Fu 洪拳 - Basic and Application 基本及應用

Описание к видео Hung Gar Kung Fu 洪拳 - Basic and Application 基本及應用

Instagram: houghton.charlene

In this video I’m going to share Hung Gar’s basic moves and how to apply them in fights.

00:36 Hung Kuen basic moves:

00:38 Mang Fu Har San 猛虎下山 (Tiger crawling down the mountain)

00:49 Dan Fu Cam Yeung 單虎擒羊 (Single tiger catches the lamb)

00:58 Kup Choy 扱搥 (Knuckle whip)

01:05 Pau Choy 拋搥 (Cannon punch)

01:12 Jak San Jin Choy 側身箭搥 (Side rocket punch)

01:17 Sau Choy 哨搥 (Swinging punch)

01:31 Yat Sing Pau Choy/ Yee Sing Pau Choy 一星拋搥/ 二星拋搥 (First star wave punch, Second star wave punch)

01:39 Yat Chee Choy 日字搥 (Sun fist)

01:56 Wu Dip Jeung 蝴蝶掌 (Butterfly palm)


02:10 1. Mang Fu Har San, Dan Fu Cam Yeung, Yat Chee Choy & Jak San Jin Choy
猛虎下山, 單虎擒羊, 日字搥, 側身箭搥

04:44 2. Tiger claw, Kup Choy, Yat Chee Choy & Jak San Jin Choy 虎爪, 扱搥, 日字搥, 側身箭搥

07:09 3. Wu Dip Jeung 蝴蝶掌

08:10 Conclusion:
Whatever martial arts you are learning,
make sure you understand the concept and be able to modify the movement. Adapt for different situations
according to the opponent’s body shape, reaction or movement.
Also, that there is no such thing as the best martial arts style or the most effective strike for fighting.
The most important is the person being able to apply what he/she learnt or practised into a fight, then any martial arts styles or strikes can be effective.



洪拳是一種很有效的自衛術。可是有些傳統招式如果直接套用在實戰上,動作太大,或是暴露太多身體位置,(我有打過散打、泰拳、MMA綜合格鬥術和Kickboxing的擂台比賽) 所以我希望透過這條影片,分享功夫在真打上可以怎樣靈活變通,角度/ 走位/ 改變招式用途/ 方向/ 加強防守意識等等,千變萬化。





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