Sol Price - Retail Revolutionary & Social Innovator - Book Signing & Release Event

Описание к видео Sol Price - Retail Revolutionary & Social Innovator - Book Signing & Release Event

Sol Price, renowned founder of Price Club and a prominent San Diego philanthropist, was in many ways - a retail revolutionary and a progressive social innovator.

His son, Robert, through the Price Charities foundation - has also endowed the prestigious public policy school at USC with his father's namesake, now known as the USC Sol Price School of Public Policy.

In addition, Robert has undertaken the task of documenting his father's achievements. This biography talks about how his father helped create the revolutionary model of warehouse format retail that has become such a huge part of modern American life, and his charitable contributions around San Diego that have revitalized neighborhoods.

In this special event, the author shares some insight of his father and some highlights of the story, held at the newly named - USC Price school.


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