Secret Bait for Chub

Описание к видео Secret Bait for Chub

I'm a plain spam man myself. In fact I'm normally shy of using bait at all, if I can help it. But when it comes to a good old social catch up, bait fishing is hard to beat. So in the video I agree to join my brother Will on the River Brue to try out his secret bait for chub, which he swears catches him more chub than anything else. This is how we used to fish as kids - sharing a swim and talking jibba jabba. I had forgotten how nice it is to do that sometimes. Catching chub on swing tip or quiver tip is like scaled down modern day carp fishing, but without all the fuss, bleeps and bravado...and there's probably more chance of losing a good chub.

#secretbait #riverfishing #chubfishing


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