GAT-01 Strike Dagger

Описание к видео GAT-01 Strike Dagger

The GAT-01 Strike Dagger is a mass-production general-purpose mobile suit introduced in the anime Mobile Suit Gundam SEED.

The GAT-01 Strike Dagger was the wartime mass-production model of the GAT-X105 Strike Gundam and one of the first OMNI Enforcer mobile suits to enter mass production.[1] Like the Strike and the GAT-X102 Duel Gundam, it was based on an X100 series frame.[2] To maximize ease of production, the Strike Dagger omitted the Strike's Striker Pack System and Phase Shift armor.[3] Additionally, its head-mounted CIWS and blade antenna were both reduced to only one, and various parts of the mobile suit were simplified, such as its arms and leg armor.

Despite the various downgrades, the Strike Dagger obtained better maintainability, its mobility was on par with the X100 series, and it was able to operate both on Earth and in space.[2] Unlike the operating system for Coordinators, which heavily relied on the pilot's reflexes, the Strike Dagger was installed with a Natural-use OS that was pre-programmed with numerous action patterns based on the GAT-X series combat data from the Archangel, allowing the mobile suit to react to various combat situations on its own.[3][4] Furthermore, due to being armed with beam weapons, its offensive power was superior to that of ZAFT's mainstay mobile suit, the ZGMF-1017 GINN.[4] In combat, the Strike Dagger was designed to operate in large numbers and overwhelm ZAFT forces, which were elite but fewer in number.

It should be noted that the Strike Dagger's cockpit structure did not change significantly compared to the X100 series and this was to ensure the safety of its pilot.[2] However, due to being rushed into production, the Strike Dagger's vetronics and other systems did not have sufficient EMP shielding and proved to be vulnerable to ZAFT's Gungnir EMP weapon.


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