The Hardest Stage in Battle Cats

Описание к видео The Hardest Stage in Battle Cats

Enter ¨Villainous Gods¨, the new hardest stage in Battle Cats.

The stage starts with a Malevolent Mohawk who spawns shortly after the beginning. Mohawk is very fast, has high DPS, an annoying shield, and tons of knockbacks which allows the shield to regenerate and makes him hard to nuke.

The next Malevolent to meet is Lion, who spawns periodically throughout the stage. During the beginning phases, Lions can spawn in pairs of up to 2 and will continue to spawn infinitely throughout the stage. Even a single lion can completely disrupt the frontline due to it´s shield, high DPS, bulk, and speed.

The next Malevolent spawns shortly after Mohawk and slowly makes its way to the battle. Flying is a deadly backliner who punishes any advance or attempt to regain ground. Flying has enough range to outrange the majority of snipers and enough damage to kill most backline based units in 2 or 3 hits. Flying has particularly gruesome synergy with Mohawk, as Mohawk has a bunch of KB which makes it easy to push into Flying´s range and get yourself killed.

It doesn't stop there with Dark being the next Malevolent to spawn, offering a similar role to Mohawk in that he rips apart the frontline, except Dark has other properties such as having enough range to outrange most spammable attackers, being considerably more bulky, and carrying the ability to curse.

If you thought Matador was enough to carry for this stage, you´d be wrong because of Dark´s curse. If Matador does not secure a dodge on her first hit, she will get cursed and die instantly. Oh yeah, Dark also gets strengthened later in the battle which essentially substitutes Mohawks offense.

The last and hardest Malevolent is Jammy. If Mohawk, Dark, and Lion weren't enough of a threat to the frontline, Jammy completely pulverizes the competition. Jammy is a bulky, rapid attacking, shielded, and omni distance frontliner whose savage blow is basically an instant kill attack that's guaranteed to let him move up on the field.

You do get pairs of Sir Seals spawning throughout the battle which provides cash, but not nearly enough to handle the horde of Malevolents that have basically infinite frontline DPS. Jackrabbit also makes an appearance to flat out push your meatshields and mid rangers away.

The main problem with this stage is the frontline offense, it's simply too much. With the combined effort of all 5 shielded Malevolents, there's practically nothing you can do to stall these enemies reliably along with some of them having high speed like Lion and Mohawk who will zoom into any meatshield gap created by Flying or Jammy on top of Jackrabbit push. It´s unstallable without theoretically perfect dodge RNG.

You may think Uril, Corn, and Barrel should be enough to handle Aku, but this stage definitely proves otherwise. The simple dumb fact is that our best non uber anti aku, even when put together, is just too weak for these Malevolents. Corn can´t stall, Barrel gets wrecked by Dark/ Flying, and Uril lacks shield pierce and not enough DPS to outdo the Malevolents.

Uril in particular causes counter surges to be spammed across the field, limiting your options to purely anti surge units. Uril strats tend to be no more or less effective than strats without him. On my attempts with only level 50 gacha, my best runs could only get Malevolent Mohawk down to 26% (Jammy is left untouched and Dark isn´t even strengthened by then) whether I used an anti surge + Uril comp or a no Uril comp. It's hopeless either way.

I honestly have no idea how to beat this stage without ubers, so I just resorted to using +70 boost in the video, yet even with +70 boost I STILL almost ran out of money on the latter half of the stage. I don't want to call this stage straight impossible without ubers, but it's so difficult to the point where it might as well be for the average player.

If you´re someone who doesn't have fully maxed units, you have to uber carry. Using anti aku like Satoru, Hevijak, and Oda UF seems to be the intended strategies for a casual to beat this stage. If you don't have a competent anti aku collection or don't have Dasli/ Phono (yes, Dasli wrecks this stage when paired with Uril) then you are NOT beating this stage.

And for those wondering about no gacha, haha can´t.

And after all of the suffering from beating what could be considered an impossible stage, you get 2 rare tickets. Yeah, ok.

Despite how insane this stage is, I have to give some praise to Ponor for finally stepping up their game in difficulty. I´ve recently expressed my thoughts about the state of Battle Cats and it´s drop in difficulty over the years, and in a way I'm glad Ponor is showing that they aren't afraid to make extremely hard stages in the modern day.

I´m still fully expecting this stage to be powercrept, but I honestly hope it won't be soon. Is this stage bullshit? Yes. Is this the Battle Cats I remember? Absolutely.

Song: Super Mario 64 - Final Bowser (Metal Cover) ToxicxEternity


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