World of Warcraft: 20 Years of Music | Orchestral Concert

Описание к видео World of Warcraft: 20 Years of Music | Orchestral Concert

Embark on an epic orchestral adventure through 20 years of World of Warcraft’s most iconic music.

Produced by Helvepic and filmed live in Switzerland the concert was performed by the 21st Century Orchestra and three choirs—Tale of Fantasy, Ardito, and the Madrijazz Gospel,  this sweeping 190 performer ensemble will take you on a musical adventure transporting you straight into the heart of Warcraft’s legendary world.

Preorder the World of Warcraft: 20 Years of Music Vinyl here:

Time Stamps:
00:01:33 - World of Warcraft Suite
00:06:59 - Charlotte Pyle
00:08:20 - Beyond the Dark Portal - Burning Crusade
00:18:51 - Echoes of Northrend - Wrath of the Lich King
00:35:05 - The Shattering - Cataclysm
00:47:44 - Heart of Pandaria - Mists of Pandaria
00:56:12 - A Siege of Worlds - Warlords of Draenor
01:08:37 - Kingdoms Will Burn - Legion
01:19:21 - Before the Storm - Battle for Azeroth
01:30:34 - Through the Roof of the World - Shadowlands
01:43:30 - Land of the Dragon - Dragonflight
02:00:16 - Derek Duke
02:04:38 - From Within - The War Within
02:08:45 - Invincible - from Wrath of the Lich King

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