How to make a juniper bonsai forest with nursery stock. EASY!

Описание к видео How to make a juniper bonsai forest with nursery stock. EASY!

Junipers are one of the most common trees used as bonsai here in the pacific northwest. However, most beginners end up purchasing a nursery stock juniper and then just plugging it into a pot without any design.

In this video, Robert shows how you can take a seemingly regular looking juniper and transforming it into a forest bonsai using just ONE tree. Most people may see this at their local nursery and pass on it because it just looks like it's grown all over the place. In addition to making the final forest piece, Robert also briefly touches on several other potential designs.

Watch this video and learn how you can upgrade a juniper. Are you going to try making a forest bonsai as your next piece?

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