Sunday Divine Liturgy of the Mass – Christ the King [Sung]

Описание к видео Sunday Divine Liturgy of the Mass – Christ the King [Sung]

Today is the last Sunday of this Church Year! Over the last few Sundays, the lectionary has presented us with the beginning of a 7-Sundays model for Advent. Remember the main theme of Advent is not preparing to greet the Christ child but being made ready to be greeted by Christ at his glorious coming for us at the end of our days and the end of days to clothe us in the power of his resurrection when Christ will make all things new and complete the work of the Gospel! In this final Sunday liturgy of the current liturgical year, we celebrate the reign of Christ as Lord of lords and King of kings. Such language is a bit foreign to our ears as we are not a culture, society or nation led by a monarchy. And yet we know enough about monarchs, given that there are nations in the world still led by monarchs (granted most of them have not the authority of ancient kings and queens). We also know of the presence of totalitarian leaders with other titles and power and authority is in keeping with ancient kings and queens. Today’s liturgy presents us then with the height of irony as Jesus is clearly shown as a king who has no equal in the world’s present moment or in the pages of history. Hopefully that irony is not lost on any of us who keep this final Sunday Liturgy of this Year of Mark and John in which we bid farewell to this year and anticipate the arrival next Sunday of the Year of Luke and John.

Sunday 24 November 2024
The Last Sunday after Pentecost
The Feast of Christ the King
The Sunday before Advent
Proper 29 Sunday: The Sunday between 20 November & 26 November


Weekly Announcements:

Sunday Sung Liturgy Bulletin:

Sunday Liturgies are 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM unless otherwise announced.

Evening Prayer is offered daily Sunday Evening through Friday Evening at 6:30 PM.
Morning Prayer is offered daily Monday Morning through Saturday Morning at 8:30 PM.

St. Stephen's Outreach Ministry gives away clothes and food Mondays and Wednesdays from 1 PM to 3 PM. Donations of Food and Clothing and Volunteers are welcomed and appreciated.

St. Stephen's is the Second Cathedral of the Diocese of Bethlehem. We give thanks for our diocese and the wider Church and pray for the greater unity and visibility of the Church with the mindfulness that this is the desire of Jesus!

St. Stephen's Episcopal Pro-Cathedral Church
35 South Franklin Street, Wilkes-Barre, PA 18701
The Episcopal Diocese of Bethlehem


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