Загадочная и великолепная корейская рыбная ферма! золотая камбала, икра осетровых рыб, Лосось

Описание к видео Загадочная и великолепная корейская рыбная ферма! золотая камбала, икра осетровых рыб, Лосось

Mysterious and magnificent Korean seafood farm! golden flounder fish, sturgeon caviar, Salmon / Korean Food

1. very amazing! golden flounder, golden fish farm / korean food

2. The process of making caviar, one of the world's top three delicacies / korean food

3. Half of the island is used to dry kelp! kelp farm in Korea / korean food

4. Amazing scale! Salmon farm with annual production of 100 tons / korean food

5. Korea's amazing eel food, eel feeding, eel dishes / korean food

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I wish you good health, happiness, and peace
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