Hearing the Notes from C4 to D6

Описание к видео Hearing the Notes from C4 to D6

Dear Kids,
In this movie, you will be hearing the most common notes in the music that you will be hearing.
The Game:
You will be singing each letter under each of the red notes—just as you hear it and see it play on your screen.* You will be trying to sing each letter with the same sound as the red note you are hearing. Also, you will be trying to sing the letter for as long a time as the note you are hearing. Good luck, and keep on trying!@!

* The letter below the note is the name of the note. So you will learn the notes by their names!@! Also, you will learn the notes by their sound as you hear and sing them!@!

( Thanks to MuseScore ®, a free music notation software, and thanks to OBS Studio ®, a
free webcam app.)


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