5 Classic Blues Licks for Beginners - Major Soloing Guitar Lesson

Описание к видео 5 Classic Blues Licks for Beginners - Major Soloing Guitar Lesson

A Beginner Friendly Blues Guitar Licks Lesson
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Hello friends,
It's time to get our fingers moving and add some more classic phrases to our blues vocabulary. In today's session, we'll learn to combine our major pentatonic and minor blues scales to create 5 must-know licks in C major. These tried and true ideas are accessible to beginner-intermediate level players, and can be transposed across the fretboard for stylish soloing in all 12 keys. Let's get started! -Rob

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0:00 - Intro
1:15 - Lick 1
3:13 - Lick 2
4:25 - Lick 3
6:15 - Lick 4
7:45 - Lick 5

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