Описание к видео GRADUATION PERFORMANCE 'WOOPS' (2024)

"The moment has arrived. It's time to finally say what I have to say. Perhaps, you don't like it. Maybe you don't care. Well, woops... nothing holds me back any longer"

The creation ‘WOOPS’ is part of an ongoing artistic research called Broken Bodies. The Broken Bodies research centers around labels and their impact. The research came alive around July 2023 and from that point I’ve created several solo/group works, all connected to different experiences with labels.

For the graduation performance, I wanted to create a powerful conclusion to the Broken Bodies research. ‘WOOPS’ has as its startingpoint the subject conflict. The creation taps into different perspectives and experiences surrounding conflict: conflict(s) within yourself, conflict(s) between others and conflict(s) in the world. In the process, I questioned how these experiences would feel and how we could embody these. ‘WOOPS’ became a translation of experiences surrounding conflict(s), a vulnerable journey through intentional and emotional in-the-moments events.

I’d like to add that I am in a privileged position regarding the subject conflict. I’m very lucky that I never had to experience any type of bigger conflict as a war or a genocide. Therefore, I'm conscious that I don't know everything, that I didn't express and adress everything concerning all conflict(s)/war(s)/genocide(s). As a maker, adressing the subject conflict came out of an urgency to spread awareness around different personal and global experiences through the lense of the Broken Bodies research.

Music credits:
'Rites:I' by Paul Jebanasam
'Rites:II' by Paul Jebanasam
'eidolons beginning p = (m2A 2 am to (rho-z)-y ∂t+(ρ see to wait dz/dt = it xy that I -beta* do not z countless' by Paul Jebanasam
'Woops'- Original Remastered Mix' by Bountyhunter

Thanks to those who were part in the research:
Anastasia Bubulică, Siobhán O’connor, Martí Aparici, Paula Helge, Savea Kagan, Lien Vandenborne, Kato Rombaut, Augustė Gelžinytė, Petra Krušelj, Bongjin Jung, Jenny Bonetti, Aaliyah Chabeau Liboit, Abel Ton, Franziska Angel, Mira Sopart and Maria Pokorska.

Nathalie Schmidt, Jade Van den Hout and Frann Schollaert

Frann Schollaert

De Nieuwe Vorst, Tilburg (NL)

Film & edit:
Noah Strik


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