2 KM SUCCESS STORY with HC-12 - going beyond 1800 meters!

Описание к видео 2 KM SUCCESS STORY with HC-12 - going beyond 1800 meters!

We achieved a range of over 2 KM with the HC-12.
On one of our other videos, we saw that makers were having problems with achieving decent range with their HC-12 wireless modules with Arduino. We decided to do a field test to see what range / distance could be achieved.

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Buy only HC-12 modules that work, these are tested and they work:
https://www.banggood.com/custlink/Kvm... (affiliate link)

In our first HC-12 range test we did NOT get any good results. However, in our second long range test we bit not only get the 1800 meters (1.8 KM) but we passed over 2 KM.
We did use FU4 mode, but we did not use full transmit power.

Link to AT commands video:
   • HC-12 AT Commands - Set up for Long R...  


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