Sept 1990: I got a NEW Sega Genesis! YAY! The days of the Genesis and Nintendo 1990!

Описание к видео Sept 1990: I got a NEW Sega Genesis! YAY! The days of the Genesis and Nintendo 1990!

Got the NEW Sega Genesis! Going with the trend of the latest video game!

It was Jose's dream to get a Genesis! Jose mentions he wants one for his birthday. I NOW want to get one myself!
Sept 16, 1990. With some money I had from a little work here and there and the coffee shop job. I WENT FOR IT! Bought the Genesis at Toys R Us for $189! WOW, The moment the lady pulled out that Genesis console from the shelves. FELT SO COOL! Holding the most coveted game system on Earth! Videogames were becoming a big part of my life. And I now had the thing to want to go with the trend to buy the latest tech stuff. To me at the time. I felt, to own the latest and the coolest stuff and go with the trends of today was a way to get some attention! And of course I want to get attention in what ever way it takes. This was a start of feeling like I'm cool to be an owner of this Genesis.
So, after I had just bought the Genesis. I wanted to surprise Jose I GOT THE GENESIS! Then to my surprise, Jose says he already got a Genesis. Dang!

Sega and Burger King offer for free games and control pad with purchase of Genesis console before Sept xx 1990

It was a regular thing to come across a promotion Sega was offering through Burger King. This was to get people to buy their Genesis. Perhaps because Nintendo beat Sega this time around. with their 8 bit NES VS the Sega Master system.
But anyway, at first, they were offering 2 games free with purchase of Genesis before a certain date. After a while, they started to "skimp out" the offer a little. This time, a free game and a free control pad. The first offer was better because the games are as high as $59 each. But with this current offer. We are saving as much as $59 for a game and 20 for a control pad. THIS is the offer I was able to claim. Jose also had this ready to go too since he got the Genesis too. I then submit the offer and now just to wait! I picked out Ghouls & Ghosts for the game. Basing on how the graphics looked. I felt this game looks interesting. I later go to Toys R Us to check out that game. I saw $54.99. WOW! A lot of money I'm saving!


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