Is Anal Sex Bad For You?

Описание к видео Is Anal Sex Bad For You?

Reid Mihalko from
Cathy Vartuli from 

Cathy: One of our viewers wrote in and said that as a pre-med student in medical science field that they had been told that anal sex was ... The anus was not meant for receiving penetration and that having anal sex would lead to incontinence were you wouldn't be able to refrain from pulling yourself.

Reid: Got it. Thank you.

Cathy: This is Reid Mihalko.

Reid: I want to answer your question. I'm Reid Mihalko from

Cathy: And I'm Cathy Vartuli from

Reid: First off, for writing in that question thank you so much. We love the questions you guys have. We hope you're enjoying the videos.
The answer, I would say anal sex done improperly could lead to incontinence, and what I mean by that is ... Basically, go talk to people who have a lot of anal sex. I do. I know a lot of friends of mine who ... that's kind of their specialty and they have Olympic athletic butts, they're all fine. When you're having anal play safely, using condoms, lots of lubes ...

Cathy: The sphincter is pretty elastic.

Reid: The sphincter is pretty elastic but again, like, you can tear it and if you try to force things in that are too big, if you're using de-synthesizers and stuff like that to numb out your anus, those are things you don't want to be doing. You want to be able to listen to your body and do things safely but when you go slow and do things safely ... your anus is a muscle and it will be fine. Again, your mileage may vary, again, I'm not a doctor nor do I play one on television, however, from my numerous conversations with people who have logged a lot of play time on their behinds, they seem to be fine.
My experience and information seems to go counter to the doctor and for you, Mr. Pre-med person out there, I would ask your doctor, the guy who taught you that, how much anal sex they've had, and how many people they have talked to ... We're learning a lot about the human body and the brain and the nervous system and we've ... Nowadays more than ever we're learning so much that a lot of the things that we used to think was good advice 20, 30 years ago, 40 years ago, when a lot of those textbooks were written is not accurate anymore.
Again, I'm not a med student nor am I a med instructor, but again do some research, talk to people who are actually out there in the trenches and that wasn't a double entendre and see what you find out.

Cathy: Learn how to enjoy your body safely.

Reid: Comments below. Thank you.


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