The Timeless Path of Karate

Описание к видео The Timeless Path of Karate

In Okinawa’s shadowed isle,
Ancient traditions gave birth awhile,
Hand to hand, the lineage ran,
Karate’s path, a timeless span.

Swift as wind, with movements keen,
Heart like mountains, strong and serene,
Through days of training, spirits rise,
The warrior’s path in clear eyes lies.

From eras of war to peace’s light,
Karate bloomed in days so bright,
Harmony of skill and soul,
In karate's way, we find our goal.

Masters guarding tradition’s flame,
In young hearts, they ignite the same,
Respect and honor, pride instill,
Walking the path with steady will.

Across the world, its charm extends,
Karate’s appeal, without end,
Mind and body, unified,
Elevate oneself, stride by stride.

In quietude, the spirit hones,
Karate's path, the journey known,
Gathered by shrines in ancient grace,
Ancestral spirits, still embrace.

George Style


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