Elvis Presley 25th Anniversary Follow That Dream Records FTD Label CD and Vinyl Collection completed

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25 Years Collecting FTD | The journey continues
I was going to post this a week ago and then delayed with the announced release of the Blue Hawaii Sessions box and the Stateline Sahara soundboards because I couldn’t actually say complete until I had them.

Back to 1999 it was an exciting time for us Elvis fans when Follow That Dream Records (FTD) was launched. We were already getting some pretty fantastic BMG releases in the 90’s, but it felt like FTD would finally fill that gap for the music fans and collectors, to listen to the fine outtakes and concerts that wouldn’t have much general appeal commercially.

It was 2 releases in 1999, but soon gathered pace to 6 in 2000, then 7 in 2001 giving us single disc out take compilations and a selection of live performances presented in a 5” Digipack carded sleeves. It was very fan clubby at the beginning, we even had an FTD promo disc promoting the future releases in 2000.

In 2000 a stand out release The Jungle Room Sessions is worth a special mention and for me still one of the best FTD releases we ever had. I remember taking that release everywhere with me and would just sit listening to it on my iPod for years, that voice!

2001 saw the first book with CD release with The Way It Was and by 2003 we were up to 10 releases in a year and that release rate is still steady today. Also of note in 2003 we had our first Classic Album release with It Happened At The World’s Fair in the new 7” format. These just look great and finally a CD package that looked as good as vinyl. And also our first double disc 5” concert package with New Year's Eve 1976.

So by 2004/2005 we have gone from single disc 5” shows and compilations to books, double disc releases and 7” classic albums releases.

2006 here’s a little oddity for you FTD collectors. The Graceland 12 Disc Film Box Set included what I call the Lost CD FTD Album called Elvis Music Rarities. This is a collection of film out takes and live performances on the FTD disc label!

By 2009/2010 I remember 3 changes in my collecting. The first was I had started to fall out of love with the soundboard releases (there always seemed to be other expensive releases I wanted more) and also the start of the FTD Vinyl releases with Blue Hawaii in 2009. With going all digital after 2002 it didn’t financially make sense buying it all again on vinyl. And the third not being able to afford all the books.

Roll on to 2014 and my love of the soundboards and vinyl records returned and like many Elvis fans has meant another 10 years catching up on what I missed by being more selective in my collecting. My four Kids had grown up which also meant I had a lot more time on my hands and a little more income to spend on my Elvis music and catch up on the books too. Again I would imagine many fans will have been in similar situations and have similar stories.

The next big release step for FTD was in 2018 with the first sessions box set The Viva Las Vegas Sessions. We have had 13 session box releases now and for me these are the stand out releases from FTD for the future – Let’s have 2 or 3 of these a year please Ernst and Roger!

Also the vinyl releases have become a firm favourite in my collection. They really are stunning and a joy to listen to. So please get everything out on vinyl FTD.

So that’s a little part of my history with FTD and the 25 years it’s taken me to complete my FTD CD and Vinyl collection. I couldn’t have done it without massive help from The Elvis Shop London and Christopher David Giles , Stacey Bliss eBay shop and then some mopping up a few more stragglers from eBay and Discogs. Just 5 books to go now to complete the final part of my FTD collection.

Above all the enjoyment of collecting Elvis as a hobby, it’s the music that matters most! And with 269 FTD release I think we should celebrate this label and all the great music they have released…

So Happy 25th Anniversary Follow That Dream Records (FTD).

A few FTD facts:

· 269 Releases (This includes the upcoming Moody Blue Gold)
· 52 x 5” digipack releases.
· 29 x 5” double digipack releases.
· 7 x 5” treble digipack releases.
· 1 x 5” quad digipack release.
· 80 x 7” classic cover releases.
· 13 x 8” sessions box sets.
· 48 x LP vinyl releases.
· 37 x book releases
· 1 x card sleeve release.
· 1 x DVD box set release disc.

Here’s to the next 269 releases and I hope I can post something for the 50th anniversary.
#elvispresley #ftd #elvis


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