Convert User Input String To Int - Learn Dart Programming 11

Описание к видео Convert User Input String To Int - Learn Dart Programming 11

In this video we'll learn how to take user input and convert it's type from a String to an Int with Dart.

Whenever we get user input, dart takes that input as a string by default.

But to convert it to an Int, we need to deal with nullability using the ?? operator.

I'll show you how to do that in this video.

#dart #codemy #JohnElder


0:00​​ - Introduction
1:14 - Get User Input
2:06 - Understand The Nullability Problem
3:11 - Int.Parse()
3:45 - Dart ?? Operator
4:41 - Test It Out
4:53 - Conclusion


Информация по комментариям в разработке