Spurgeon and Hyper-Calvinism Special Guest Phil Johnson

Описание к видео Spurgeon and Hyper-Calvinism Special Guest Phil Johnson

By Phil Johnson, Pastor | May 23, 2021 | Special Guest | Adult Sunday School
Description: History teaches us that hyper-Calvinism is as much a threat to true Calvinism as Arminianism is. Virtually every revival of true Calvinism since the Puritan era has been hijacked, crippled, or ultimately killed by hyper-Calvinist influences. Modern Calvinists would do well to be on guard against the influence of these deadly trends.
A Primer on Hyper-Calvinism: http://www.romans45.org/articles/hype...
Questions Asked:
1. What were the biggest theological issues that Spurgeon had to face in
his time? Are we still fighting those battles?
If Spurgeon were alive today, what would he see as the greatest threats to
the purity of the evangelical church worldwide?
2. What is the biggest threat facing the church today?
3. What is the most pressing need of the church?
4. What is a hyper-Calvinist?
What is the duty-faith controversy, and how was it resolved?
How do we, as committed Calvinists, avoid the hyper-Calvinist ditch?
5. Would you describe an Arminian pastor as a false teacher? Where do
you draw the line between orthodoxy and heresy

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Solid Biblical Teaching:
Kootenai Church Sermons https://kootenaichurch.org/kcc-audio-...
Grace to You Sermons https://www.gty.org/library/resources...
The Way of the Master https://biblicalevangelism.com The online School of Biblical Evangelism will teach you how to share your faith simply, effectively, and biblically…the way Jesus did.

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