BGM #26 Tartaria

Описание к видео BGM #26 Tartaria

#Anruda Zith

Here you awaken a little. Called Tartaria or not an old world existed. This little tune is constructed by clairvoyance of the the kings in the outer lands and their influence upon their little brother(s) All the technology that is described in the morphic fields as to their orgin, legitimacy and methodology, is illusory. The secret ingrediant that actuates the morphic fields has been concealed from the lower man (our younger siblings) For thier own saftey.
The knowledge and conversation with the plane below (cellular plain, where single cell-orginisims and more importantly their mitochondria, they do not yet know, and yet they tamper with morphic fields not at all aware they could be horribly destoried if their untrained mind has even a slightly erratic reaction.
It is for this reason this tool for saftey, this hidden field nullifies for all regular human beings everywhere, in all places and times, is ineffible, irrervokable and irreducable. All energies given or felt from these morphic fields will instead go toward their true intended recipients, the kings of the earth who from their hidden thrones laugh with bellowing amusement.
Our little brothers after all still think they can wish things into existance by positive thinking and avoidance of the negitive things. They wish for manifestation of their desires knowing not that is the very condition of the realm of the dead, and when the mind directly creates reality, that is called hell.
Eventually they will come to realize the error in thier understanding, and how they are still much influenced by their external enviornment.
By all means continue to use the morphic fields it will not harm you at all, but it will cause you to be lazy, and eventually disipointed. May this learning lead you to stand so tall the clouds brush your toes. Your elder brothers love you! At some point our extended family will be reunited.

Permanant/Nullallmorphicfields/Lowerman To protect our beloved siblings.


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