1969 - אברהם פררה והשמרנים - ילדתי (אודיו באיכות יותר גבוהה)

Описание к видео 1969 - אברהם פררה והשמרנים - ילדתי (אודיו באיכות יותר גבוהה)

Colorized from Black & White /משחור לבן לצבע
Set playback to 1080p50/60 for best results
בבקשה הירשמו כדי לתמוך בערוץ הזה

להקת השמרנים היו :אברהם פררה, מיכאל גיטלין, סולון סימינוביץ

This was a side project requested by my father. It focuses mainly on the audio aspect, as the video itself is in low resolution.

There are two versions of this song, both in MONO
One found in this video, but was never released in HQ; my father's preferred version
   • השמרנים - ילדתי  

and the other one that was released in the Avraham Perera 4xCD collection in HQ; feels a bit soft
   • ילדתי - אברהם פררה והשמרנים  

Initially I thought they could be identical versions, minus the intro and clarity of the 2nd one, just played at different speeds. But when they sang this line איך יוכל להכנס around the 1st minute, it was obvious they were different versions; one voice vs multiple voices

SilverEyes put on his SilverEars for this one:
I have been experimenting with audio lately, and I managed to create a stereo version of the 1st song with audio quality resembling the 2nd version and bringing out Avraham Bass vocals

Let me know what you think


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