Matching 6V6 Vacuum Tubes With The Tektronix 576 Curve Tracer

Описание к видео Matching 6V6 Vacuum Tubes With The Tektronix 576 Curve Tracer

This video shows our new method of matching power triodes, pentodes, and beam power tubes. We are using a specially modified Tektronix 576 curve tracer. It has custom mods that allow tubes to be plugged into this solid state curve tracer, with input jacks for the heater and, for pentodes, the screen voltages. A curve tracer shows output plate current at up to 10 different grid bias points, and at up to maximum operating voltages, all at the same time on the screen, something no tube tester can do. Much more accurate matching can be done with high power tubes, with this instrument. Watch as we test the output curves of some classic RCA 6V6GT tubes.


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