20 min of meditation emerged in the magic sounds of piano music by Edgar Tuniyants and ocean waves

Описание к видео 20 min of meditation emerged in the magic sounds of piano music by Edgar Tuniyants and ocean waves

The purpose of meditation is to stop the mind rushing about in aimless or purposeful thoughts, to a state of mind of stillness, no thoughts, and eventually, enlightenment. There are many techniques of meditation and most introduce new layers of mental activity aimed at distracting the stream of thoughts. New layer of mental activity is based mostly on repetition. Repetition of sound, word, sentence, so called mantras, verses of songs and poetry. Repetition of movements, Sufi and Gurdjieff dances. Being emerged in repetitive events, such as your breath, following repetitive sounds of different origins, or repetitive images, such as a candle flame.

One of the most popular meditation techniques is the Transcendental Meditation (TM), which uses personal mantras to achieve the state of meditation. TM recommends 20 minutes of meditation practice, which according to many scientific studies is most optimal and effective to achieve calmness of the mind, to relax and be happy.

This 20-minute long video of magic sounds of charming piano music by talented composer Edgar Tuniyants accompanied by the repetitive sounds of Pacific ocean waves provides beautiful environment for meditation. Please sit comfortably, close your eyes, relax, and follow the sounds of piano and ocean waves, merge with them, and enjoy 20 minutes of relaxed state of mind.


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