Can you beat Gothic with no weapons? Let's play Gothic 1 - Magic Only Challenge Run - Part 1

Описание к видео Can you beat Gothic with no weapons? Let's play Gothic 1 - Magic Only Challenge Run - Part 1

Hey! Let's play some Gothic! This is a challenge run attempting to play through the game with no weapons of any kind, only magic is allowed for combat. Seeing as we don't have any magic to start the game we're starting out on the hunt for our first spell scroll!

I thought it would be fun to do a let's play with a bit of a twist to it, rather than a standard run through. There's already lots of those.

I've cut out the opening cutscene and basically just jumped right into the game. I can't stand watching a 'let's play' that starts with someone yammering over the main menu for ten minutes! There are lots of places on YouTube that you can watch the opening cutscene if you feel like you're missing out.

This is my first video, if you like my content or think it has some potential please like and subscribe! Any comments regarding tweaks I can make to improve the experience/content will be much appreciated!

I've made some tweaks to the mic but still hate my own voice... let me know if you have any pointers hahaha.


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