Wayang Kulit: The Puppet Shadow Show by Lalu Nasip

Описание к видео Wayang Kulit: The Puppet Shadow Show by Lalu Nasip

Wayang Kulit means Leather Puppet. It is usually performed the whole night delivering many stories from old time usually the time of Majapahit Kingdom in Jawa. Some new modern fragments in story containing critics to the governments or updating the knowledge of the society about some developments happened will be inserted during the show. The puppet show were used to be the way of propaganda to spread Islam around the country. Dalang is the man who play the show accompanied by the traditional music consists of Gendang and so on. The most popular dalang in Lombok is Lalu Nasip and he is a very talented one. The dalang speak in Jawa Kuna or Ancient Language of Jawa and some time in local language Sasak language.


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