Google Forms Tutorial

Описание к видео Google Forms Tutorial

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Google Forms is fully explored in this tutorial video for anyone looking to get a better understanding of this Google App for Education. This video is part of the teachings in education Google for Apps for Education, G Suite, series designed to help teachers achieve Google Certified Educator Level 1 Status. In this video, educators are shown how to create a form, choose questions in forms, add manage items, make a quiz, grade a quiz, collect responses, add a theme, direct to questions, share forms, send forms. These are just some of the different tasks for the various the units in the level 1 google educator exam, and from different practice tests by teachings in education. This video is to can be shared for all students, the parents of their students, fellow teachers, administrators, paraprofessionals, and others involved in school and education. Teachers and educators that view this video are encouraged to view videos part of the Google Certified Educator Level 1 playlist to help teachers pass the exam. Other videos in the playlist include google docs, slides, chrome, classroom, drawings, google plus, google groups, calendar, forms, google search, sheets, and sites.


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