Rijbaanweigeraars demonstreren 🚲☀️🛵📣🚓 snorfiets op rijbaan en Helmplicht

Описание к видео Rijbaanweigeraars demonstreren 🚲☀️🛵📣🚓 snorfiets op rijbaan en Helmplicht

The lane refusers who had planned a protest this evening on the Haarlemmerweg have extended their action to several locations in the city and even drove on the ring - often without a helmet. That was not entirely the intention, says initiator Martin Irrgang.

The protest started around 6 pm on the Haarlemmerweg. The AT5 reporter on the spot reported that after the joint action on the Haarlemmerweg, the scooter drivers continued to protest and violated the traffic rules at various points. They drove through red and blocked an intersection.

Subsequently, several reports of the scooter protest came in at other locations in the city. The honking scooters were spotted along the Mercatorplein, Kinkerstraat and Plein '40 -'45, among others. The scooters also rode on the A10. On a video that AT5 received, you can see how the scooters drive up the driveway and go off again at the Bos en Lommer exit.

Read also: Lane refusers demonstrating on Dam Square: 'Offer counter gas to the municipality'

"There are a number of young people and they are of a certain age that they do not stick to all agreements," Martin explains. Besides that, Irrgang calls it a 'successful action'. There were about 100 people on the move.

The police announced that they had decided, in consultation with the mayor, to address the protesters alone in the first instance. Wherever traffic rules were violated, fines were issued. Two mustache scooters were seized and one person was arrested, but he was later sent back with a fine.

Another week

The scooter motorcyclists protest against the helmet requirement and the fact that they have to enter the roadway. These rules take effect on 8 April. Protests were also held on Dam Square on Saturday. The mustache scooters also try to get enough signatures before 8 April to force the House of Representatives to think about the law again. Currently, 27,000 of the required 40,000 signatures have been received.

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