Amazingly Easy DIY Paint Job Using Spray.Bike!

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I recently decided to paint a battered steel road bike frame using Spray.Bike. I plan to use the bike as my hack bike so I didn't want it to be too desirable to thieves but on the flipside nobody wants to own the mangiest bike around!

As well as having a bit of fun I was curious to see if Spray.Bike is as good as I've read. They bill it as a powder-coat in a can so I was interested to see how easy it is to use and whether I could do a good job.

I take you through the whole process including how to prepare the frame, the process of painting and finally finishing.

I chose BLB Greenwich green for the main colour and then finished it off with Gold Keirin Flake top-coat. I had great fun and think that Spray.Bike have made a product that makes it very easy to do an amazing DIY paint job!

I would definitely like to try again in future and maybe be a bit more adventurous and try some stencilling


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