What if Climate Change would go on and on and on? | Quarks This is the Ent #4

Описание к видео What if Climate Change would go on and on and on? | Quarks This is the Ent #4

Climate Change is killing humans a lot faster than any of my diabolical plans ever could. And the best thing? I don’t have to lift a single finger to cause your demise! You guys are already doing a fantastic job at destroying yourselves.

For the last 12.000 years Earth’s climate has been relatively stable which led to the invention of agriculture blablabla humans became the dominant species on this planet. Boring! But that all changed with the industrial revolution! Because that’s when humans became dependent on fossil fuels.

Burning fossil fuels releases carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, into the atmosphere which leads to global warming. The first effects of climate change are already observable. In the last 50 years climate change has caused the loss of billions of tons of glacial ice. Climate change also causes a rise in sea levels, droughts, the extinction of species and many regions of the Earth will become uninhabitable!

In 2016, 196 countries signed the Paris Agreement, aiming to stop climate change and so far, you guys are doing a fantastic job at not sticking to the contract. You’re doing all my work for me; I suppose I should thank you.

Doom and dismay to all humans!
Your fav diabolical virus,

#globalwarming #climatechange #thisistheent #fossilfuels

Who is behind the format?
Idea: Mustafa Benali, Marina Cardozo, Maximilian Doeckel, Suryanshu Rai
Script: Maximilian Doeckel
Director: Michael Binz (English version), Hanna Steger (German version)
Animation and visual concept: Studio Paeper
Music: Simon Rahm
Sound editing: Florian Ebrecht
Scientific advice: Dirk Notz

Ent (English): Brock Labrenz
SC (English): Nathalie Thomas
Ent (German): Samy Challah
SC (German): Esra Meral


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