I'll follow you into the dark//What Dreams May Come

Описание к видео I'll follow you into the dark//What Dreams May Come

"Is that kind of an occupational hazard for soul mates? One's not much without the other?"

What Dreams May Come
Song: "I'll follow you into the dark," Deathcab for Cutie, cover by Gavin Mikhail
RIP Robin...

The dialogue is as follows:

"Is that kind of an occupational hazard of soul mates? One's not much without the other?"
"I love you!"
"I need Annie." "That will change in time, Chris." "Aw, come on, Einstein! Time's not on my watch anymore. TIME does not exist here. And wherever it went, it's not going to make me need Annie any less."
"Chris, Annie's dead... she killed herself."
"She's my soulmate. I can find her."
"You don't understand...that's not how it works!" "It's not about understanding. It's about NOT GIVING UP."
"...but we'll be together, where we belong."
"...I can forgive you... for being so wonderful a guy would choose hell over heaven just to hang around you."
"Hey... remember me?"


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