FH5 - 2024-12-19

Описание к видео FH5 - 2024-12-19

Clean Co-op Race Rules - https://verdantvista.scot/games/forza...
Spoilers! 👇

❌ No Contact (1:38) 🖥️👴
✔️ Team Win
✔️ Full Lobby
✔️ No Ragequit
✔️ Come From The Back
✔️ Personal Win

Horizon Superstars: -
[SWE] Moparornocar937
[#K1Z] Lakk3h 🗑️
[SCOT] orangepeel9262

Season Playlist: -
   • FH5 - Series 41 - Season 3 (Winter) -...  

The Reported: -
   • The Reported  

A player in this race was reported. Here is the report sent to the Forza Support & Safety Team.

Wallriding - Lakk3h
I debated about reporting this as you don't seem to be too bothered by wallriding in this game. However at prestige 4, this player should know better and in the second of their rides, I'm pretty sure they took out a teammate.

1. https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxJakD...
2. https://www.youtube.com/clip/UgkxwfA5...

There's at least 1 more but it happened behind me so likely not much point.

You can report anyone you believe is deserving by filling out this form: -

If you're not sure if they are deserving, here is the Forza Code of Conduct: -

#forzahorizon5 #fh5 #coop #coopracing #seasonalchampionship


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