專訪馬凱碩Kishore Mahbubani│亞洲中產階級暴增 東升西降是本世紀必然? Why is the rise of the East inevitable?

Описание к видео 專訪馬凱碩Kishore Mahbubani│亞洲中產階級暴增 東升西降是本世紀必然? Why is the rise of the East inevitable?

專訪馬凱碩Kishore Mahbubani│亞洲中產階級暴增 東升西降是本世紀必然? The Explosive Growth of Asia's Middle Class: Is the Rise of the East Inevitable in 21st Century?

0:53 如何評價拜登過去四年對華策略?
How do you evaluate Biden's China strategy over the past four years?

5:15 自稱「中國樂觀主義者」,樂觀何來?
What is the basis of optimism for China's future?

07:45 為何永遠不能低估美國?
Why can we never underestimate the United States?

10:15 「專制」的中國,無阻其他國家認同發展成就?
An “autocratic” China still be favored by most countries?

13:44 亞洲最可能爆發戰爭之地是…?
Where is the most likely place for war to break out in Asia?

16:45 中菲南海衝突不斷,菲律賓「錯」在哪裏?
Conflicts in South China Sea between China and the Philippines: Where did the Philippines go wrong?

18:53 中產大爆發撐起「亞洲世紀」
The massive growth of the middle class behind the "Asian Century"

21:58 「去全球化」是偽命題?
De-globalization in not happening?

23:40 亞洲人不應被迫認同西方價值更優越
Western values shouldn’t be taken as superior values
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