JAM Waterfall & Analog.Man Mini Chorus - PLUS Vintage CE-2 and Small Clone (AKA. "MN3007 HEAVEN")

Описание к видео JAM Waterfall & Analog.Man Mini Chorus - PLUS Vintage CE-2 and Small Clone (AKA. "MN3007 HEAVEN")

Welcome to Perky's Analog Gear Demos. Please subscribe for more demos of vintage & rare effects pedals!

So - today, we'll be looking at two of the best-respected modern, boutique chorus pedals....the JAM Waterfall and Analog.Man Mini Chorus. Both are based on vintage pedals....and for good measure, we'll be looking at those too!

How do these two amazing chorus pedals compare? And do they sound like the oldies they're based on?

What do you think? Which is your favourite? And why? Comment below!

Guitar is a Gibson SG with Mojo Gold Foil Pickups recorded through a Dr Z DB4 (SM57), a Hughes & Kettner Puretone Combo (sE Electronics RNR1 Ribbon) and a Cornell Romany Plus (recorded with a 1970s MD441)

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