The Blusson Spinal Cord Centre

Описание к видео The Blusson Spinal Cord Centre

The Blusson Spinal Cord Centre is celebrating its tenth anniversary this fall. This video celebrates the researchers, clinicians, and community members who spend their time here.

The Blusson Spinal Cord Centre is home to ICORD, Vancouver Coastal Health’s Brenda & David McLean Integrated Spine Clinic and Vancouver Spine Research Program, the Rick Hansen Institute offices, UBC's Digital Emergency Medicine, and the Tetra Society wood working shop.

This unique facility is dedicated to advancing world-leading integrated research and care for people with spinal cord injury. Combining research and clinical space in the same building allows investigators to rapidly translate discoveries into validated clinical practices to ensure effective outcomes are achieved.

How was the BSCC funded?
In 2001, Dr. John Steeves, UBC professor and director of ICORD applied to the Canada Foundation for Innovation for a $12.9 million infrastructure grant to fund a dedicated spinal cord injury research centre. Co-applicants on the application included Drs. Wolfram Tetzlaff, Tom Oxland, Janice Eng, Marcel Dvorak, and Tim O’Connor. The application was supported by the Rick Hansen Foundation.
The CFI grant was awarded in 2002, and was matched by the British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund. Additional funding for the building was provided by UBC. Vancouver Coastal Health provided the site, as well as funding for the clinical floor. VCH Research Institute also contributed. Construction was able to go ahead when Marilyn & Stewart Blusson made their generous donation through the Rick Hansen Foundation. Support for the clinic was provided by Brenda & David McLean and Margaret & Angus Reid.

BSCC construction funding:
Canada Foundation for Innovation: $12.9M
BC Knowledge Development Fund: $12.9M
Marilyn & Stewart Blusson, through the Rick Hansen Foundation: $8.75 M
University of British Columbia: $8.15M
Vancouver Coastal Health: $2M
VCH Research Institute: #330,000

This video was created by D'Arcy Hamilton of Momentum Media Productions [Instagram: darcy_hamilton]


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