Saint of the Day: St. Joseph of Cupertino | September 18, 2024

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Saint Joseph of Cupertino: The Levitation Saint and Humble Servant
Saint Joseph of Cupertino, a humble Franciscan friar, is most well-known for his deep spirituality, mystical experiences, and extreme humility. His life of simplicity, devotion, and intense love for God made him an extraordinary example of holiness. Below are the detailed facts about his life, key moments, patronage, and canonization, along with other saints celebrated on September 18.
Facts about Saint Joseph of Cupertino:
1. Birth:
Joseph Desa (St. Joseph of Cupertino) was born on June 17, 1603, in the small town of Cupertino, located in the Kingdom of Naples (present-day Italy). He was born to a poor family; his father died before Joseph's birth, leaving his mother to raise him in hardship.
2. Early Life and Struggles:
Joseph had a difficult childhood, marked by poverty and a lack of formal education. He was often seen as slow and awkward by those around him, and as a result, he struggled to find acceptance even in religious life.
3. Entrance into Religious Life:
Despite facing rejection by several religious communities due to his lack of education and social graces, Joseph was finally accepted into the Franciscan Friars Minor Conventual at Grottella as a lay brother. His simplicity and devotion eventually led to him being allowed to pursue the priesthood, and in 1628, he was ordained.
4. Devotion to God:
After his ordination, St. Joseph dedicated himself fully to the life of prayer, humility, and service to the Church. He practiced intense mortifications and embraced a life of extreme poverty, fasting, and penance, imitating the simplicity of Christ.
5. Mystical Experiences and Levitation:
Joseph became famous for his mystical experiences, especially his gift of levitation. During moments of deep prayer and ecstasy, he would frequently rise from the ground and remain suspended in the air, sometimes for extended periods. These occurrences were witnessed by many and brought him great attention, but they also led to scrutiny from Church authorities.
6. Humility and Obedience:
Despite the fame brought on by his miraculous levitations, Joseph remained profoundly humble. He never sought attention and lived in constant obedience to his superiors. He was often moved from place to place by his superiors to avoid public spectacle, but Joseph remained obedient and accepted these decisions with grace.
7. Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary:
St. Joseph of Cupertino had a deep devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, whom he considered his heavenly protector. He promoted Marian devotion among all classes of people and believed that through her intercession, individuals could come closer to Christ.
8. Patronage:
St. Joseph of Cupertino is the patron saint of:
o Students, particularly those undergoing exams.
o Aviators and air travelers, due to his miraculous levitations.
o People with learning difficulties, as he himself struggled with academics but triumphed through divine grace.
9. Canonization:
St. Joseph of Cupertino was canonized by Pope Clement XIII on July 16, 1767, in recognition of his life of extraordinary sanctity and mystical experiences.
10. Death:
St. Joseph of Cupertino passed away on September 18, 1663, in Osimo, Italy. He spent his final years in solitude and prayer, offering his suffering to God and continuing to experience mystical graces until his death.
Other Saints Commemorated on September 18:
1. Saint Methodius of Olympus – A third-century bishop and martyr, known for his theological writings and defense of Christian doctrine against heresies.
2. Saint Juan Macías – A Dominican lay brother from Peru who dedicated his life to serving the poor and is remembered for his devotion and miracles.
Sources for Further Reading:
1. Catholic Online – Provides comprehensive details about St. Joseph of Cupertino's life and patronage.
o Link
2. Franciscan Media – Offers a reflection on the spirituality and legacy of St. Joseph of Cupertino.
o Link


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