All Power Rangers Battlizer Transformation & Finisher

Описание к видео All Power Rangers Battlizer Transformation & Finisher

Within the Power Rangers continuity, a Battlizer is a special armored enhancement given exclusively to the Red Ranger, typically depicted as their most powerful and often final forms. Although within the Power Rangers continuity a different kind of armor has been made for other Rangers, These armors, however, are known as Mega Battles, to further reinforce the notion that Battlizers are meant for Red Rangers. These Battlizers were specifically made for Power Rangers and are not holdovers from Super Sentai.

The list :

0:00 Intro

0:06 Red Battlized Armor
Used by Andros (Red Space Ranger) to turn him into Red Battlized Ranger. is activated by Red Space Ranger when he presses the number three on his Battlizer Gauntlet. It is first activated by Silvy when Andros is stuck in Secret City Episode and uses it to defeat Vacsacker.

2:08 Red Armored Ranger
Used by Leo Corbett (Red Galaxy Ranger) to turn him into Red Armored Power Ranger. Given to Red Galaxy Ranger by The Warrior after Karone is able to heal him from petrification that he inflicted on him during her life as Astronema. It is first used by Leo Corbett to fight a powerful energy draining monster named Magnetox.

4:47 Trans-Armor Cycle
Used by Carter Grayson, Red Lightspeed Ranger, which serves both as a supplement to the Red Lightspeed Cycle as well as personal armor. Developed by Miss Fairweather for Red Lightspeed Ranger to combine with Trans Armor Cycle. It is first used by Red Lightspeed Ranger to fight spider demon, Arachnor.

6:20 Lightspeed Megabattle Armor
Sometimes called the simply The Megabattles or The Mighty Megabattles were created by Angela and Clark Fairweather; they were activated by dialing 8-6-1 on the Battle Booster.

8:07 Red Battle Warrior
used by Wesley Collins (Red Time Force Ranger) to turn him into Red Battle Warrior. Bestowed to the Red Time Force Ranger after proving himself to the spirit of Fire Dragon and is first used to fight Black Knight.

9:47 Quantum Megabattle Armor
Sometimes referred as the Quantum Ranger Mega Battle Mode, Used by Eric Myers (The Quantum Ranger). Alex secretly informed Eric of the Megabattle's existence. It is believed that the Megabattle Armor was always part of the Quantum Ranger arsenal.

12:27 Red Savage Warrior
Used by Cole Evans, Red Lion Ranger. Given to the Red Wild Force Ranger after his teammates solve a puzzle to unlock the Falcon Wildzord. It is first used to fight Super Toxica & Super Jindrax.

14:14 Tri-Battlized
Used by Shane Clarke (Red Wind Ranger). Given to the Red Wind Ranger after he is given the life force of the Karmanian, Skyla. It is first used to fight the bounty hunter, Vexacus.

16:53 Triassic Battlizer
Used by Conner McKnight (Red Tyranno/Triassic Ranger). Unlocked by Red Dino Ranger after he pushed his energy beyond Super Dino Mode or Triassic Mode. The Triassic Battlizer Armor is first used to save Krista from Super Zeltrax.

20:03 Red Dragon Fire Ranger
The powerful dragon-like mode of Nick Russell, Red Mystic Ranger/Legend Warrior. Activated by Nick Russell after discovering his connection to Fire Heart as The Light. It is first used by Nick Russell to fight Ten Terror, Oculous.

22:52 S.P.D Battlizer

24:53 Red Sentinel Ranger
The Battlized form and combination of Mack Hartford, The Red Overdrive Ranger, and Sentinel Knight. Developed by Rose Ortiz to combine Sentinel Knight with other technology developed by Hartford Industries.

26:18 Strike Rider

27:17 Shogun Mode
The Shogun Mode is an indication that the Rangers have attained highest mastery of their elemental power. In the case of red ranger, kanji on the crown, combined with kanji on helmet represent symbol for "flame".

29:00 Super Megaforce Gold

30:19 T-Rex Super Charge Red Ranger
By using the T-Rex Super Charger in T-Rex Super Charge Blaster, Tyler Navarro can access T-Rex Super Charge Mode. This form turns Red Ranger into essentially a man-sized version of the Dino Charge Megazord.

33:47 Lion Fire Mode
By using the Lion Fire Morpher, Brody Romero can morph into Lion Fire Red, by saying "Lion Fire Ninja Spin!". This was first used in the episode "The Royal Rumble" when the Ninja Nexus Prism created the Lion Fire Armor Star to destroy Lord Drillion who was thrashing them.

35:23 Red Fury Mode
is Devon Daniels' temporary Battlizer to use in battle against his enemies. A powerful cheetah-themed armored developed by Nate Silva, powered by the powerful Fury Cells.

37:06 Dino Knight Mode
Zayto Ultimate form accessed using the Dino Knight Morpher which he had used towards the end of the Great Sporix Wars. After helping The Rangers, Tarrick relinquished morpher back to Zayto, allowing him access to this form once again to defeat Snageye.

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