China vs LMS Game 3 | Grand Finals of LoL 2017 All Star | Longest Game of 2017

Описание к видео China vs LMS Game 3 | Grand Finals of LoL 2017 All Star | Longest Game of 2017

LMS vs LPL G3. China vs LMS Game 3 final lol esports All-Stars 2017. League of Legends All-Stars 2017 VOD.
2017 All-Star full playlist:
League of Legends S7 International All-Star Event - Finals.
Third match of the day - LPL vs LMS best of 5 Game 3. China vs LMS.

LMS Line-up:
Top - Ziv Annie
Jungle - Karsa Lee Sin
Mid - FoFo Ryze
ADC - BeBe Miss Fortune
Support - SwordArt Thresh

LPL Line-up:
Top - 957 Gnar
Jungle - Mlxg Kha'Zix
Mid - Xiye Azir
ADC - Uzi Ezreal
Support - Meiko Alistar

Patch: 7.23 - Season 7 (Zoe enabled)
Game date: 10.12.2017 | 12/10/2017 | December 10th 2017
Game place: NA LCS Battle Arena
Casters: Deficio, Zirene and Rivington

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