MS510: CARB Clean Truck Check - The Heavy-Duty Inspection and Maintenance (HD I/M) Program

Описание к видео MS510: CARB Clean Truck Check - The Heavy-Duty Inspection and Maintenance (HD I/M) Program

Do you own, operate, or dispatch heavy-duty trucks in or to California? Then you need to know about the California Air Resources Board's (CARB) upcoming requirement to regularly test the emission control system of nearly every truck operating within California, regardless of where the tucks owner lives or where the truck is based. The new requirements are more commonly known as a heavy-duty truck smog check or "clean truck checks" and will become effective over the next couple of years. If your vehicles are not compliant, you need to know what the current and future requirements are. If your vehicles are compliant, you may need to regularly test and report to remain compliant. This course gives you information about how to comply with the Clean Truck Check program and how to report to continue operating legally in 2022 and beyond. These regulations are needed to meet federal and state ambient air quality standards as well as mandated timelines for reaching carbon neutrality in California.


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