wooksung & kyujung making me feel single (onlyoneof)

Описание к видео wooksung & kyujung making me feel single (onlyoneof)

Hi everyone, thanks so much for watching this video!
Just a disclaimer: This video is really just for fun. Personally, I don't really ship real-life people, but because onlyoneof is so open to this type of affection, where they basically ship themselves, I had to take matters into my own hands and make a video about them.

Now warning for the rest of this description, but I'm going to be ranting about ALL THE STRUGGLES I HAD during the making of this video.
Basically, this is, by far, the hardest video I've ever made (I've made lots of other videos before this channel, just btw). It took me 6 days straight of working on this video;;;. I kind of blame myself, honestly... I was way too ambitious and experimental this time around (hopefully, it made for a good video though *wink*). Although I was being ambitious, I was also being really dumb. I forgot to do a lot of things and had to deal with those consequences later.

BUT HEY, not ALL the hardships were on me. My editing software was also being very difficult at the worst times, and it caused a lot of wasted time, sadly. To make matters worse, I also put a deadline for myself for the video to come out on Wednesday (July 14, today lol). BUT OH MY GOD the HARDEST part of all of these was testing my "Korean Skillz" to translate these clips.

You guys know... as international lyOns... it's hard to get reliable subtitles, especially for their YouTube lives. Thankfully there are some awesome lyOns who do subs (which I have credited below), but, as the relatively small fandom that we are, not everything is readily available to everyone right away. I have never seriously learned Korean, and I'm in no way a reliable source. I've just been into K-pop for a very, very, very, very, very long time and used some context clues to try to make a coherent sentence. If you are fluent in Korean, you have all rights to flame me for butchering the language.

Anyways, I guess that's all I have to say about that! Please be sure to check all the sources I've credited below!
Thank you, and remember to STAN #ONLYONEOF


030JH on YouTube:
- 210430 Love Mill Nine YouTube Live Eng Sub
- 210517 Love Mill Nine YouTube Live Eng Sub
- 210518 KB Yoojung YouTube Live Eng Sub

ooojoha on YouTube:
- [clip @ 0:54] 티격태격 오일씬 소감 / libidO 뮤비 비하인드 / 온리원오브(OnlyOneOf) 나인(Nine) 러브(Love) 밀(Mill)
- [clip @ 9:44] 바다에서 진득한 교감 나눈 후기 / libidO 뮤비 비하인드 / 온리원오브(OnlyOneOf) 규빈(KB) 유정(Yoojung)

나지라 on YouTube:
- 210605 OnlyOneOf "Instinct Part 1" Fansign 온리원오브 대면 팬싸 Encore

EDEN_99 on YouTube:
- 210626 팬싸

81 on YouTube:
- 210530 팬사인회 libidO 온리원오브(OnlyOneOf) 나인 cam
- 210605 팬사인회 libidO 온리원오브(OnlyOneOf) 나인 cam
- 210606 팬사인회 libidO 온리원오브(OnlyOneOf) 나인 cam
- 210626 팬사인회 libidO 온리원오브(OnlyOneOf) 나인 cam

GOOD NINE 온리원오브 나인 on YouTube:
- [FanCam] 210530 OnlyOneOf 팬싸인회 libidO :: 온리원오브 나인
- [FanCam] 210606 OnlyOneOf 팬싸인회 libidO :: 온리원오브 나인
- [FanCam] 210626 OnlyOneOf 팬싸인회 libidO :: 온리원오브 나인(NINE)

parkluvbot on Twitter:
- 210529 Fancam
- 210530 libidO Fancam
- 210530 Fancam
- 210606 libidO Fancam
- 210626 libidO Fancam

FATALLOVE0117 on Twitter:
- 210626 Fancam (Love and Nine)
- 210626 Fancam (Kyubin and Yoojung)
- 210606 Fancam


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