
Описание к видео #WalkingThroughThePain

Episode 33
Zintel Canyon & Columbia Park in Kennewick, WA
Challenge Takers: Jackie & Patrick
Starting Mileage: 5,906 Plus 69
Ending Mileage: 5,907 Plus 71

This episode starts in Zintel Canyon with my next set of challenge takers...Jackie & Patrick.

Jackie hasn’t walked more than 50 feet, before needing a break, for a couple years. She battles through IIH Idiopathic Intercranial Hypertension aka PseudoTumor Cerebri. Today she is gonna try really hard to walk the mile.
Patrick, her husband, brings a wheelchair in case she needs it to complete her mile.

Patrick also battles through pain. Since childhood he has dealt with Perthes Disease. It can cause the hip joint to deteriorate. And here he is out trying to help his wife get a mile.

After Zintel Canyon, they take me to check out the duck pond/waterfowl habitat in Columbia Park.

Finally we go back to their home for the smoke sesh interview. There we talk about just what IIH is, how it affects her, some of the other ailments that Jackie battles through....Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, & ADHD, and how cannabis helps. She even recalls how a cannabis topical, called Naked Science, helped with some skin issues after the removal of a feeding tube.

Patrick talks about having Perthes Disease, being allergic to cannabis, and why he doesn’t use anything for the pain.

What an amazing couple! Today was a great day. They talk about what they thought of our walk. And we end this episode with the usual invitation/challenge.

Bonus/Outtake clip after the end.

#WalkingThroughThePain #YouTube #selfproduced #WalkAMileWithSeth #SCunnigan #backpacker #adventurer #documentarian #ChronicPainWarrior #FibroSucks #NotStuckInBed #epicadventures #Kennewick #TriCities #ZintelCanyon #ColumbiaPark #WaterfowlHabitat #DuckPond #iih #iihawareness #idiopathicintercranialhypertension #pseudotumorcerebri #cannabis #cannabisismedicine #perthes #NakedScience #Adhd #inspiring


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